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Unlimited Memory by Kevin Horsley -Part 2

 The Part 2 of Unlimited Memory by Kevin Horsley.

The sixth chapter is Linking Thoughts. This is not a method but it is a very important concept. When you are pegging more and more information, you might forget. So, if you don’t want to forget, link your thoughts, whatever you are using in your imagination to hold pieces of information, always make sure that all the pieces are linked together through actions, objects, etc. The author has given a very good example of this concept by a story, which contains the first 12 Presidents of the United States.

The seventh chapter is Remembering Names. I am not going to talk about this in detail, some people might find it offensive. The concept used is Concentrate, Create, Connect, Continuous Use. You have to find distinguishing features of the person and connect that to their name. The initial idea of imagination holds valid for every method.

The eighth chapter Remembering Numbers. This is very interesting. First assign alphabets to numbers, based on how that particular number sounds or looks. My personal assigns are 0-S, 1-J or Y, 2-T, 3-M or B, 4-R or F, 5-V, 6-X, 7-L, 8-H or G, 9-P. How difficult it is to memorize 340893105441. Now, how difficult it is to memorize Mr Sheep Boy is very funny. Use vowels and unassigned letters to create words and sentences. This might seem a little tough at the beginning but with practice, it works as a reflex. Take a notebook and write 1 to 100 with their respective objects. E.g., 10 would be Yes, 92 would be Pot or Pet, visualizing these objects and remembering numbers would be much easier.

The ninth chapter is Art in Memory. This chapter is a brief on how you should create art in your memory to make remembering easier. It should be funny, silly and not hectic at all. Like a pear in the ear or shoes with wings. Then there is the importance of mind maps. Honestly, I have never created a mind map in my life. According to the author, mind maps are very important, they provide live feedback of what’s in your memory. If you like mind maps, you can create some for yourself. Also, if you are creating a mind map, make sure they contain visuals, it would be easy to remember that way.

 The tenth and last chapter of this part is Using the Methods. The first topic is Remembering written information word to word. Well, according to the author you can remember some written by every word using the above-mentioned methods. According to me, if you are trying to do that, the journey method would be most efficient. I have never tried to remember anything word to word. Instead, whatever I am reading, whether book, studies, notes or magazine. I use these methods to memorize the index page and all the topics. That works just fine for me and I hardly forget any written information I have read. The next topic is Presenting from Memory. This is pretty much straightforward. When you are presenting information from your memory instead of some notepad or piece of paper, your speech and impact are much more effective. Next is Absent Minds. If you ever forget something by chance, that’s not because of your memory, it is just because you weren’t paying attention. Believe that your memory is getting stronger and it will. Don’t blame for the 5% of things you forget, instead reward for the 95% you remember. The last topic is Studying Anything. If you work a bit little, these methods can be applied to anything you are reading/studying. There is no learning without remembering.

Remembering Playing Cards. This is given in the tenth chapter. This is an exercise, which I practise the most. It combines all the methods above. All you have to do is to shuffle a deck of cards, all the cards once, and then repeat the order of cards without seeing. This might seem very difficult but if you use the memory methods mentioned above, it’s a piece of cake. When I started, it took me around 6-7mins to memorize the order of 52 cards. Now I am somewhere around 3mins. The key takeaway is that you see 52 different pieces of information just once, and still, you won’t forget any of them. Here’s how you do that. We have already assigned alphabets to numbers, now if you want to remember 8 of Diamonds it would be DoG. The first letter is of the hand followed by the number’s alphabet. 7 of Spades would be SaiL. 10 of Hearts would be HaYS. Queen of Clubs would be Clean. For kings, queens and jacks, use words that start with hand letters and rhymes. Ace of Clubs would be CJ (Carl Johnson). Make a list and assign words to every card. Visualize those words properly for every card. Now when you are seeing the cards, make a story with these words. You would be amazed how easy it is to memorize a deck of 52 cards.

The last part of the book is Continuous Use. The first chapter is Self-Discipline. The takeaway from this chapter is to Create a Vision, make a Decision, Stop Listening to your feelings and do Daily Action. These things don’t require much explanation. The second chapter is Review to Renew. If you want the information to stick around for a longer period. Renew it at these times. After 1hour, 1day, 3days, 7days, 14days, 21days, 28days, 2months and 3months. If you review it at these intervals, then it will stick in your mind forever.

Wow, that’s it. This was a really long book review. I have been using these methods for almost a year now, they are very effective. You can also start using them. If you want to read more about the methods and need a deeper understanding, I have already provided the link for the book. I am planning to read some more books on memory. They are Smarter Memory by Neerja Roy Chowdhury and Super Memory by Shakuntala Devi.

There are many more books coming in the future. You can subscribe to my blog. I will be sending weekly newsletters to my subscribers soon. I also wanted to tell how I am using these methods in my daily life, but this blog has got long enough. If anyone is interested, tell me in the comments section, I will post another blog for that.


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